How-To: Traffic Light Trigger (Neodymium magnet)

Discussion in 'Indian Scout' started by ScotD, May 5, 2022.

  1. ScotD

    ScotD Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2019
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    Free Home, Georgia
    This thread is not a debate on whether this works or not. It improved my Scout triggering traffic lights many, many wonderful times, that in the past had me waiting up to 2 minutes for green.
    This changed all that.
    This is an inexpensive magnet installation to trigger traffic lights that have an inductive loop in the pavement and help alleviates the waiting and waiting.

    This article on WikiHow pretty much covers it how a magnet helps for motorcycles.

    Anyhow, on to how to add this feature to a Scout in an elegant fashion.


    1 each Neodymium magnet (3in Long x 1/2 in W x 1/4 in H) with counter-sunk holes for #6 screws. I bought seven (2 for me, the rest for friends) from CMS Magnetics for $3.21 + shipping. At the time of this writing, they are $5.98ea.


    Mounting hardware:

    Use stainless, since it has enough strength to tighten down well without a lot of ferrous metal to frustrate you when installing, and also won't corrode in your lifetime. I bought from ACE Hardware.

    2ea #6 stainless steel counter-sunk screws.
    ACE Hardware numbers: 44026-B (44057-B) UPC: 008236727791

    2ea #6 stainless steel locking nuts. ACE Hardware 59549 (H829708) UPC: 008236142297

    2ea #6 stainless steel washers: ACE Hardware 59580 (H830662) UPC: 008236142778


    Pop off the radiator shroud. There's a few videos on YouTube how to do this..

    Drill a couple of #6 holes in the bottom of the shroud, low enough the magnet won't be see too easy but not too close to the trailing edge. Mount the magnet thus:



    Re-install the shroud.
    This thing works a treat, and I get all the green left-turn arrows now.
    #1 ScotD, May 5, 2022
    Last edited: May 6, 2022
    SixShooter, 4thunder and Baldhead_J like this.

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